Creating tools and technology that transform clinical cultures for the better.

We're a dedicated team of clinicians, academics and engineers, doing what we do to improve patient outcomes and save lives.

Our story

In healthcare, we all do what we do to improve patient outcomes and save lives.

7 years in the making

creating tools and technology that reinforce clinical decision making.

As clinicians and technologists, we believe that patient care should be informed by the best available knowledge at any given moment. Using modern software to share this responsibility with clinicians and incorporate the patient into decision making processes is where we can make the most positive impact and do our part to help create better outcomes. Our work focusses on creating tools and technology that reinforce clinical decision making.

Great technology has always had the capacity to change human environments and inspire new behaviour, we’ve seen it proved many times throughout history. The problem in healthcare is that technology isn’t changing frontline experiences fast enough or in ways that actually help practitioners keep up with ever rising demands. The reason is because it’s harder to innovate in healthcare, and it’s harder to change a clinical culture. That’s why we believe technology should work harder for health.

At Dosium, we work hard to identify and solve challenges in clinical decision making with smarter interventions. We engineer robust technical solutions, designed from inception to contribute meaningfully towards a new generation of specialist services fit-for-purpose for the delivery of modern healthcare.

As clinicians and technologists, we believe that enhancing the way practitioners incorporate the best of our scientific knowledge into their decision making is where we can make the most positive impact and where we can do our part to help create better outcomes.

Our work is driven by three key principles:


Academic and clinical rigour

If we’re going to find better answers and transform clinical expectations, we know we’ll need the most robust rationale and the strongest evidence to support our interventions. We were born from academic beginnings and clinical insights gathered through research in trauma and critical care units at Imperial College London. In everything we do, we leverage the solid foundations of our thorough research heritage to launch us forward to deeper understanding and better answers. That’s why we’re committed to only ever working with the most reliable and up-to-date information that comes from hard-earned partnerships like the one we have with BNF and BNF for Children.


First-hand clinical experience

To solve real-life problems and create tools and technology that create useful change we’ll need the make the most of our lived experience and what it tells us about how it feels to work on healthcare’s frontline. From the beginning, we’ve been working hand in hand with clinicians and the systems they operate in to design interventions that make sense and actually work. In all that we do, we connect with what drives our users and work harder to provide tools that meet their needs, raise their expectations and always help them to improve the way they treat patients and deliver care. Sometimes that even means creating an experience that knows when to get out of the way to help them simply do what they do best.


Engineering know-how

It will take all our engineering know-how to create tools and technology that inspire the positive change this sector deserves. We know that standard innovation methods like test and learn won’t cut it and that learnings from other sectors can’t be transplanted without careful re-engineering. Change is risk and the risks are already higher in healthcare. It takes more time, more energy and more care to build precision products that work and get it right from the start. That connect the dots and create smarter interactions with trusted resources. That empower practitioners. That last the test of time and work harder to make more of what we already have, spark useful change and influence better outcomes.